Yes, it’s generally a good idea to follow the manufacturer's recommended oil change schedule for your adventure bike or dual-sport motorcycle, as it’s based on testing under various conditions. However, there are a few factors to consider that might lead you to adjust the schedule:
Riding Conditions: If you ride in harsh environments (extreme heat, dust, or mud) or do a lot of off-road riding, you may need to change the oil more frequently than recommended.
Type of Riding: Long-distance touring versus shorter, more intense off-road rides can have different impacts on oil quality. Off-road riding can cause the engine to run hotter and put more stress on the oil.
Oil Type: If you use higher-quality synthetic oils, they might last longer and provide better protection than conventional oils, possibly allowing for slightly longer intervals.
Personal Comfort: Some riders prefer to change oil more often for peace of mind, especially when riding in remote areas where a breakdown would be more challenging to deal with.
In general, adhering to the manufacturer's schedule is a good baseline, but adjusting for riding conditions can help maintain your engine’s longevity.